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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

It's time

Ok enough is enough. This is the week. How many times have we said that about loosing weight. I know I have way to many times. This time I am for real. I am tired of my clothes being way too tight. Some may say go buy new clothes. My answer to that is NO! I must get back in shape. For me, I'm sure like so many I worked my butt off for my wedding. Literally, my butt was half the size it had been. But after the wedding I slacked off. I thought, hey I can keep this up without trying so hard. WRONG!!! Most of you have probably seen my husband. If you haven't lets just say his weight problem is the opposite of mine. He is the only person I know that wants to gain weight. Nathan can eat as much as he wants, as many times a day as he wants and nothing. He isn't even gaining like he wants. It makes me sick. I have gained 20 lbs in the last year and a half and I am done. I love to watch The Biggest Loser, but since I have a job and can't work out 8 hours a day I guess I will take to slow. I will take tips that I learn from the show and put them to work for me. Today is day 3 without Dr Pepper. As I am blogging about it my mouth is watering thinking about one. My normal routine consisted of one first thing in the morning and one in the afternoon. So I think I am doing pretty good. I have traded the DP in for water. Yuck! I don't like water unless I am really thirsty and it is ice cold. I have been adding flavor to it to get it down. I'm not drinking my daily amount yet but I better than I was. I made it to the gym today. First time in a long time. I had a good workout. I'm going to try and get in at least 3 good work out a week. I am going to weigh myself in the morning and start keeping track of my progress. I hope this time I will keep with it and get healthy. I know there are others like me. Let's all do it together. We can form our own team. We won't have Bob or Jillian but we will have each other. Until next time, hopefully a lb or two lighter.


Sandel said...

I hear ya girl, I am right there with ya. I am so rpoud of you for making it this far without DR Peppers. I gave up DC but then old Ike came along. When I gave up sodas I felt sooo much better, I think it made me want to eat better. So speaking of eating when are we doing lunch again. I miss you.

Brandy said...

I just went grocery shopping for Healthier Food! It is my turn to do the pre-wedding diet, I just have NO self control!
I also need to start working out!

Sandel said...

it's time already for a new post and lunch with your old friend.

Brandy said...

It's Time for you to blog again!!