Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, September 5, 2008

I got Tagged!

OK folks here it is, don't be scared.Write 7 strange characteristics about yourself. They interest us all!* Tag 6 other people at the end of your Post.* Visit everyone that you have tagged and leave a comment on their blog to let them know that they have been tagged.

1. I like to sleep in the buff.
2. Uni-brows freak me out.
3. I like to pop zits.
4. I can fall asleep almost anywhere.
5. I handle the electronics in our house and get very upset with I can't figure something out. I am not a nice person to be around during this time.
6. I hate to shave, poor Nathan.
7. I talk really fast.


Sandel said...

ok, well that was definitely interesting. What is up with zits, I like to pop them to.